About Me
Applying For A Loan

Hi there, my name is Becky Suedel. I am excited to share my knowledge about loans and financing on this site. The loan process vets applicants to confirm that they have the means to pay back the total amount borrowed plus fees and other charges. During this time, applicants must produce proof of income and other documents to allow the loan processors to complete the application process. On this site, I hope to help prepare my readers for the loan application process. You can read my content daily to learn about how to qualify for a home or car loan in record time.


Wholesale Mortgage Loans 101: An Introduction

22 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Buying a home is a major undertaking that takes a lot of time and consideration if you want to get the mortgage that fits your life the best. Working with a wholesale mortgage service is a good way to make this process a positive experience, but a lot of people do not know exactly what a wholesale mortgage lender is. Get a little more familiar with these mortgage lenders, so you can understand their overall value for you as a prospective mortgage borrower. Read More …

What Is Broken Gold?

10 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Broken gold is a term that describes gold jewelry that is broken. It does not mean the gold is no longer worth anything, but it does mean the pawn value of the piece of jewelry can no longer be determined solely by whether the piece would sell as regular jewelry. In other words, a gold ring that is in good shape might have a pawn value based on the ring itself and the chances of someone buying the ring if you don't return to claim it. Read More …

What You Need To Know About Leasing Construction Equipment

27 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Construction equipment leasing is a great way for a company to see that it'll have all the resources it requires to handle projects. You may be curious, however, about how the process works. Let's take a look at some of the common questions that come up about construction equipment financing and leasing. Who Owns the Equipment? For the term of the lease, legal ownership of the equipment remains with the business that leased the equipment to you. Read More …

Can Bail Fit Within A Limited Budget?

27 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog

There's a reason why many people will fight tooth and nail for their bail. Waiting for trial is a difficult time and it can be even harder when you're behind bars. In fact, many people will argue that their trials would have gone a lot better had they been granted bail. However, being granted bail is only the first part of the hurdle. Bail is often set high to dissuade the suspect from fleeing. Read More …

3 Ways You Can Benefit From Working With A Mortgage Broker

4 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When you're ready to buy a house, you want the process to go as quickly and smoothly as possible. That's why it's important to do your research and go about the buying process in an informed way. Working with a mortgage broker can help you get the best deal on a house and close with minimal fuss. Here are three ways a mortgage broker can benefit you. 1. Help you figure out which bank to use Read More …