
About Me
Applying For A Loan

Hi there, my name is Becky Suedel. I am excited to share my knowledge about loans and financing on this site. The loan process vets applicants to confirm that they have the means to pay back the total amount borrowed plus fees and other charges. During this time, applicants must produce proof of income and other documents to allow the loan processors to complete the application process. On this site, I hope to help prepare my readers for the loan application process. You can read my content daily to learn about how to qualify for a home or car loan in record time.


What To Know Before No-Credit Auto Financing

4 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When you have no credit, it can be hard to make some big purchases, like buying car. However, it is not impossible to buy a car without credit. Auto financing with no credit is one option available when you are buying a car without credit. Before you go into bad credit auto loans, you need to know a few things about auto financing a car with no credit. Interest Rates Read More …

Preparing For A Home Loan

27 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

There is nothing like owning your own home and enjoying the freedom that it brings. If you want to knock out a wall and remodel the bathroom you are able to do so. Besides having that type of freedom you will also be building equity. So, a home is a long term investment in yourself. Buying a home should be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life, but for many people buying a home is not possible. Read More …

Why Selling Your Unneeded Engagement Ring To A Pawn Shop Is The Best Way To Get Rid Of It

26 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Calling off a wedding and an engagement is an event that happens quite often, and it is probably better to call it off than to go through with it if you are having major doubts or problems in the relationship. After doing this, though, you might be left with the engagement ring you either received or gave to your partner, and what should you do with it? One of the best options is to pawn the ring, and here are several things to know about this. Read More …

4 Signs A 30-Year Fixed Mortgage Is Not Right For You

25 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Buying a home is an exciting process, but it can be filled with many questions and concerns. From closing costs and interest rates to preapprovals and prequalification's, it is easy to see how so many buyers are overwhelmed. A 30-year fixed mortgage is the most common loan option for buyers, since the longer term will equal smaller monthly payments compared to a shorter term loan. However, a longer term may not be right for you or your finances. Read More …

New To The World Of Real Estate Investing? Financing Options You Need To Know

23 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Real estate investing has an impressive past. Known to be one of the less volatile types of investing, it is equally well-suited for the professional investor with a large, diverse portfolio and the hobby investor who owns one or more rental homes. For those new to real estate investing, however, the most difficult part can be finding financing to purchase the type of rental property they are interested in purchasing. If you are planning your first purchase of real estate for investment purposes, the following information will help you choose the best financing option for your needs: Read More …